Primary Blog/Gigging Musician Podcast/Episode 196 - Give Yourself More at Bats

Episode 196 - Give Yourself More at Bats

Monday, October 16, 2023

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Episode Recap

In this episode, Jared Judge takes you on a thrilling journey through the world of lead generation and sales strategies. As he heads to another venue tour, Jared unveils the secrets to success in the music industry, drawing inspiration from Alex Hormozi's book, "$100 Million Leads."

Best Quote

"Success does not just happen to you, you make success happen. If a baseball player plays a game of baseball and they only get to go to bat one time in the whole game... However, if you're giving yourself 100 at bats every single day, you're bound to have more successes."


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What's up getting probes? It's Jared Judge. Welcome back to another episode of The Gigging Musician Podcast, I'm on my way to, you guessed it another venue tour.

This is the Franciscan Event Center down in Centennial, Colorado, about a 45 minute drive away from me. But I on my way to the car, I picked up a little package that was waiting for me in the mailbox, which was a new book by Alex poor Mozi called $100 million leads.

I believe in two episodes ago, I talked about Alex Hormoz. He a tiny bit. And Alex from Mozi is one of those, you know, marketing and sales gurus, you could say. But I like his stuff, I think it's good.

You know, there are a lot of gurus out there that I think are just full of crap, you have to be careful who you you pick. And Alex, I think is one of the one of the good ones.

He has a podcast called the game, which I'm starting to binge and listen all of his episodes. And then his claim to fame is that he has taught gym owners how to market and sell their gyms to full capacity within 30 days, which is pretty awesome.

If you're a gym owner, you know, I'm not a gym owner, myself, I do actually know a gym owner. And he says, you know, the biggest challenge is getting new gym members and getting the current gym members to stay.

And so Alex has a program or had a program that did that. And I say had because he sold it, his company was acquired, which in the entrepreneurial space, that is a big goal that people have is to sell their companies.

So I know that we're not gym owners, and many of you would never think about selling your band, because it's your band and right. But I wanted to explore his book a tiny bit.

So he released this book as a free audiobook on his podcast, the game, it's broken down into like 10 or 11 episodes, and it's worth listening to all of them.

And the whole concept is kind of what we teach here in Fulltime Music Academy and on this podcast is that in order for you to make a living, doing what you love, you have to get people to give you money, right, you have to make a sale.

And in the world of gigs, that's called booking a gig. Alright, gig booking is simply just a sale of your musical services. But in order to get sales, you cannot get sales unless you get leads.

What are leads, if you already know this, then bear with me, Alex for moseys definition of a lead is simply someone you can contact, which is a very broad definition, but think about it, someone has a lead if you can contact them.

That means if you've got people on your Facebook friends list, and those are all leads, now some of those leads may be in the market for what you're selling. Many of them are not right.

That's why you know, your mom is definitely a lead, except she's a low quality lead for your musical services unless she wants to hire you for her birthday or something.

But anyway, what Alex says is there are tons of different ways to get leads. And he breaks it down into two categories of how you get leads. And each of those two categories have two options making a quadrum.

One of those categories is do you know these people? Right, so there's these are people you know, versus people you don't know, that is one of the two categories.

And then the other is are you reaching out to them one to one, or one to many? One to many is like you're reaching people, multiple people all at the same time with the same message.

So one to one is, you know, either face to face or in a personalized message. So if you combine those two categories, you get four quadrants.

In the top left quadrant, you get people that you don't people that you know, that you reach out to one to one, that's the top left, top right is people that you know, but you reach out to them one too many.

So it'd be like, organic social media. On the bottom left would be people that you know, sorry, people that you don't know. And you're reaching out to them one to one, and that's called Cold reach out.

And the bottom right is people that you don't know. And you are reaching out to them one to many, and that would be like paid advertising. And he's that those are the only four categories that exist, of how to generate leads.

And I think that's fascinating. It's a very simple way of looking at it. And it also I like simplicity because simplicity scales up. And here is how I think this applies to the venue tour that I'm going on today.

Which is you know, technically, the venue owner the manager is a leader ad for me, it is somebody that I did not know. Yet I found them. So I'm able to contact them their lead. I contacted them cold one to one.

So somebody I didn't know that I reached out to one to one. And for me a success, like the sale for me is if they agree to put me on their preferred vendors list. Because what that does is it then enables me to get more leads.

These are direct leads for my bookings, one to many, because they're putting me on their website, it'll reach many people of people that I don't know is that brings me to the bottom right corner.

So I'm doing a one to one reach out to to somebody, I don't know, bottom left, so that I could reach one too many of people that I don't know, bottom right. So do you see how that makes sense.

And he I really like in the events industry, just from my experience, being a member of NACE and playing hundreds of weddings and corporate events and things like that. The events industry is very heavily relationships based.

It's a lot about who you know, but it doesn't mean that you have to know people to get started. Because I am starting here at Denver from scratch. Yes, I've been here a year. Yes, I already have a head start.

But the way I did this was from scratch. I did people I reached out to people that I don't know, I stayed in the bottom of the quadrant, and one to one. And then that transitions made people I don't know, one too many.

Essentially, I think many gigs are booked in the people you don't know category. Right? It's not often that you're playing for friends, family, and other people that you already know.

And that is until you until you turn somebody you didn't know into somebody that you didn't know. So we start a lot in the people who don't know you category.

And so one of the chapters of the book is all about how to do warm, reach out one to one and cold reach out one to one, which I think is the area to focus on aside from the one to many using other methods that that I talked about, like SEO, sorry, my brain is in multiple places right now.

But for these reach outs, Alex or Mozi says it is a numbers game. And I believe that wholeheartedly, I've talked about that a lot on this podcast, it is less about the quality of your reach out than it is about the quantity of your reach out.

The thing is, I believe that any reach out you do is higher quality than no reach at all, which most musicians don't do any any reach ads at all, because they like to stay in the practice room.

That's why they don't get gigs, but quantity over quality. And interestingly enough, he a companion to his book, he created a course that is actually free, you don't even need to opt in that goes over this.

I think the website is or just Google Alex Hormoz the leads course and you'll you'll find it and I don't get paid anything for this. The shout out. And in that course, in the warm reach out section.

He has a script that he would use for warm reach outs. And I think he has a companion one for cold reach out such I haven't gotten to that part of the course yet. But at the bottom of that PDF, he says it is a numbers game.

And you should do 100 reach outs every single day. And when he dropped that number, I was like, Oh, dang, I'm not doing 100 reach outs, it is a lot of reach outs, how do I get there?

And to be honest, it's been a week or so since I read that. And I'm still not doing 100 reach outs every single day. Luckily, the dream team, my virtual assistants here and Fulltime Music Academy are doing a lot of that for me.

And they're doing a lot of that for our students too. But I don't know, I mean, that's a great goal. I think it's it's a mindset. It is a mindset that basically says, success does not just happen to you, you make success happen. Right?

If a baseball player plays a game of baseball, and they only get to go to bat one time in the whole game. Well, they either succeed or fail with one swing, or one at bat.

However, if you're giving yourself 100 at bats every single day, you're bound to have more successes than just somebody who goes to bat one time.

And the other part about this too is like Alex, he's a gym owner or used to be I don't know if he still owns a gym, but he's a big gym guy and he says, you know, it's not just about taking those at bats.

It's when you're taking those at bats. you're improving your swing. You are getting better. You're doing the reps, you're learning what works, you're learning what doesn't work, and you're trying new things. Each at bat that you take.

And if you give yourself 100, at bats every single day, you're gonna get really good, your muscles are gonna get so strong.

And in the, you know, in the actual boots to the ground music world, your reach outs are going to be so much more confident, and you have a lot more success with it.

Because you're so much better given the amount of reps you've been putting in. So, I am going to make a goal for myself to increase the number of reach outs I'm doing, which I already think I'm doing a lot, you know, I've been doing so many venue tours lately, I'm kind of getting sick of driving throughout Denver.

But I'm gonna keep doing them because I want to get myself as many at bats as possible. I'm just gonna have to find some other stuff to listen to and do in the car.

There's a lot of driving, but as I said before, it's not convenient, but it's worth it. So check out Alex's book 100 million dollar leads. And I think you will get a lot out of it.

I've already had a couple of our Fulltime Music Academy students go through it. And they say it's amazing. It kind of validates everything that we've been talking about in Fulltime Music Academy, and I think you will get get out of it too.

By the way, if you would like to become a Fulltime Music Academy member, I'd love to give you a free 30 day trial, no obligation, you sign up and you give it a shot for 30 days.

You like it you stick around, you don't like it, you just cancel, no questions asked. And to do that go to grab your free copy of the Gig Vault comes with 30 day trial Fulltime Music Academy.

And then you get to take as many at bats with that list that I give you as you want. All right. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of The gigging musician podcast.

Remember, "Your music will not market itself!" Bye everybody.

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Episode 256 - Building Relationships and Delivering Excellence at High-End Gigs


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