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Join The 5 Day Corporate Gig Challenge (FOR FREE)
In this 5-day challenge you will get LIVE BEST-IN-CLASS MUSIC BUSINESS TRAINING THAT OTHER MUSICIANS PAID $997 FOR IN 2021, absolutely FOR FREE
Starting on March 4, 2024
Your LIVE training occurs every day at 7PM EST. Replays are sent out immediately following.
Jared Judge is a successful 6-figure gigging musician who knows exactly how difficult it is to make a living performing music. After completing two degrees in music with no job prospects, he figured out how to earn 6-figures as a performer and has taught thousands of musicians how to make money with their music.
Dear fellow musician,
Does this sound like you?
You're a struggling, part-time musician who dreams of someday becoming a full-time performer.
You (like me) LOVE performing music and, ultimately, you really want to stop doing all the side-hustles in order to fund your music career.
However, right this minute you would be ecstatic if you could just book a single high-paying gig.
But unfortunately, you still have to figure out how to actually get started before you can move forward.
You're also probably intimidated by the fact that your city is super crowded with competing musicians.
I know how that feels because I've been there myself... several times!
(In fact, I just restarted my music career by moving to a new city with no connections - and already booked over 5-figures of corporate gigs in my new city).
You might also be hung up on the idea that the most important thing to do to make money as a musician is improve your music, and you feel that you're not good enough yet.
(This is a lie perpetuated by the music industry to prevent you from doing the things that actually matter).
When all is said and done, you just want to make a living performing music, be able to live solely off of income from playing music, and avoid playing exposure gigs or building a following.
Oh, and the icing on the cake would be if you could see results in as little as one week!
If this sounds at all like you and your situation, then I'd like to invite you to check out...
The Corporate Gig Challenge makes it easy for you to figure out how to make a living performing music without playing exposure gigs or building a following.
If you want to avoid playing exposure gigs, building a following and stop doing all the side-hustles in order to fund your music career, then join the challenge today!